Embodiment Rope Space



The first Shibari studio in South Africa, est. 2021 & located in Cape Town, running weekly practice sessions, shibari workshops, and private shibari lessons. We practice the art of rope bondage & shibari in a risk-aware way. A space for community, craft, intention, humility, and rope.


from 109 reviews
"The new space is gorgeous, the atmosphere is warm and the spaceholders are very patient and welcoming. It's always an uplifting experience being at these jams!!"
- Kate
"Jams are always such an amazing mix of energy & knowledge. From seeing people touch rope for the first time & find that spark to seeing people in the rope scene for years enjoying themselves & spreading knowledge. The energy of the space is wonderful <3"
- Anonymous
"We were made to feel very welcome and ot judged at all, the facilitators were extremely patient and made sure everything went at a pace suited to us. Very enjoyable experience "
- Andy
"Such Fun! "
- Blossom
"I had an awesome experience. I will definitely be attending more sessions in the future. A special thank you to Kay for your patience......."
- Waleed

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