Amber Burn 2023

Wed Jul 5, 12:00 - Sun Jul 9, 12:00

Secret location


Amber Burn is a regional Burning Man event in Lithuania, which is organized and run entirely by volunteers following the ten principles of Burning Man. We all, including YOU, create a more expressive and exciting reality together.

As a part of the Burning Man family, we are a community where everyone is welcome. No prerequisites exist for participation. It’s an environment that encourages individuals to rely on their inner resources and creativity.

This summer, we will build a temporary city in a secret location again – it will stand for five days from July 5 to July 9. We need your help to fill the streets with life, workshops, performances, and art.

The soul of our temporary city is Theme Camps. They are its vital energy, so whatever your passion is – music, art, spirituality, food, learning, sports, recycling, dancing, subcultures – connect with like-minded individuals and offer an interactive experience to your fellow citizens. Let them play and enjoy!

Does anyone know what is the path to being immensely free? And what does "cosmic" actually mean? Are we cosmic and excited to build our city once again?

Obviously, even more than excited, because the theme is COSMIC FREEDOM. A powerful and vastly expansive tool to play with. You know what they say – sky is the limit...

So, let’s gather this summer to celebrate our community, our creations, the whole universe that is around and within each of us. 

So are you ready to come to a burn?

If you have any questions about tickets -

Find out more by visiting

Join the community on Facebook

And also Amber Burn participants group on Facebook


Amber Burn Participation Terms


While buying the ticket for the Amber Burn event, you are taking full responsibility for your safety and sanity during the event. Please read the Amber Burn Participation Terms carefully for basic rules and information.


Entering and leaving the event


  • Amber Burn Gate opens for all ticket holders at noon on Thursday, July 5th, and closes at 6PM on Sunday, July 9rd, 2023. I agree to leave the area, leaving no trace, by estimated time as indicated on the ticket.
  • I understand Amber Burn is a private event not open to the general public. Participants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Participants must be 21 years of age to consume alcohol at Amber Burn.
  • I confirm that I am aware of the requirements of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania in managing the Covid-19 pandemic. I care about the health of other participants and I will not show up at Amber Burn event if feeling sick and with any symptoms of a flew, unless I am sure my Covid-19 test is negative. 
  • Amber Burn reserves the right to deny access to the event premises and/or require any individual(s) to leave the property at any time and for any reason, including i) when a  ticket holder is under intoxication of alcohol or other substances when entering the event, ii) when a participant is providing alcohol to people under age 21, iii) when I show up at the event or become obviously sick and with COVID-19 symptoms anytime during the event.


Safety and health


  • I understand the voluntary and co-creative nature of the event. I understand risks, both inherent and extraordinary, related to my participation in an unregulated radically self-reliant event. By entering the Amber Burn event premises I assume my voluntary participation and take full responsibility for myself.
  • I assume the risk of and accept full responsibility for any injuries, including causing death, and any other accidents that may occur as a result of my attendance in Amber Burn.
  • I agree that I am fully responsible for my well-being, sanity and my children or accompanied underage (if any). I will not climb sculptures, I will swim at my own risk, leash my dogs, lace my shoes and keep my cigarette butts with me.
  • I will be extraordinarily cautious about fire use: I will keep the fire distance and perimeter, will not do fire-diving, will set no art or infrastructure objects on fire and will use designated fire-grill places.
  • I will wear the hygienic face mask in crowded places and being less than 2 meters away from other participants, if I choose so for my own safety.
  • I waive any claim I may hereafter have as a result of any and all harm to my person or property as a result of my attendance in Amber Burn. I release from liability Amber Burn and each of its volunteers, event planners as well as the property owners, and all attendees.


Basic principles


  • Participants of Amber Burn are intending to follow the 10 principles of Burning Man
  • I understand that I must come prepared with food, water, shelter, weather-appropriate clothing, and anything I may need to survive during this event.
  • I will follow the Amber Burn Media Policy requirements and recommendations: thus I understand that all images, videos, and/or films from Amber Burn are to be taken only with consent of the people in the frame and are for my personal use only. I will not publish any visuals (including my mobile phone pictures) in any unauthorized way. I understand that all and any commercial usage of images, videos, or films is allowed ONLY under written agreement from “Lithuania Burners Bendruomene” and the identifiable participants in the frame.
  • Advertising or selling items or services at the event is prohibited. Using the name of Amber Burn as well as its visual materials for advertising, sales and other commercial purposes after the event is prohibited.
  • I’m aware that In Lithuania, the use, possession and distribution of intoxicants other than alcohol and tobacco is illegal and may result in administrative or even criminal liability.
  • I will only take what’s mine and save my belongings, mind the STOP lane and leave no trace.


Please note: Burning Man Project is not a producer or organizer of Amber Burn Regional Event, and Burning Man Project accepts no liability arising out of or in connection with it.


By clicking on the ticket purchase button below I confirm to have read the Amber Burn Participation Terms and I accept it as the Amber Burn participation agreement and rules. I confirm my intention to follow the rules, take full responsibility for myself and have a good time at the event. 


I consent that my personal data submitted with the registration will be used by Lithuanian Burners Bendruomene for Amber Burn event purposes as contact and identification data.




The community is guided by ten principles of Burning Man - radical inclusion, gifting, decommodification, radical self-reliance, radical self-expression, communal effort, civic responsibility, leaving no trace, participation, and immediacy. These principles are not the rules - they are the guidelines for how we, as a community, are building the world for ourselves and how we live in our daily life.



Our community values creative cooperation and collaboration. We strive to produce, promote and protect social networks, public spaces, works of art, and methods of communication that support such interaction.


We value civil society. Community members who organize events should assume responsibility for public welfare and endeavour to communicate civic responsibilities to participants. They must also assume responsibility for conducting events in accordance with local, state and federal laws.


Anyone may be a part of Burning Man. We welcome and respect the stranger. No prerequisites exist for participation in our community.


Burning Man is devoted to acts of gift giving. The value of a gift is unconditional. Gifting does not contemplate a return or an exchange for something of equal value.


Our community respects the environment. We are committed to leaving no physical trace of our activities wherever we gather. We clean up after ourselves and endeavour, whenever possible, to leave such places in a better state than when we found them.


In order to preserve the spirit of gifting, our community seeks to create social environments that are unmediated by commercial sponsorships, transactions, or advertising. We resist the substitution of consumption for participatory experience.


Our community is committed to a radically participatory ethic. We believe that transformative change can occur only through the medium of deeply personal participation. We achieve being through doing. Everyone is invited to work. Everyone is invited to play


Burning Man encourages the individual to discover, exercise and rely on his or her inner resources.


Immediate experience is the most important touchstone of value in our culture. We seek to overcome barriers that stand between us and a recognition of our inner selves. No idea can substitute for this experience


Radical self-expression arises from the unique gifts of the individual. No one other than the individual or a collaborating group can determine its content. It is offered as a gift to others. In this spirit, the giver should respect the rights and liberties of the recipient.


Amber Burn Media Policy


Amber Burn is a private event held on a voluntary basis and coordinated by community association “Lithuania Burners” bendruomene (LBB). 


Community people are willing to express themselves in all creative and bizarre ways following their hearts and fantasies at Amber Burn. Some of us seek for a safe place to be, act and look somehow different from our everyday and official lifes. Therefore everyone participating on Amber Burn should respect each other's privacy and to not take or publicize visual materials of the participants without their prior consent.


Moreover Amber Burn is a regional Burning Man event that follows the 10 principles of Burning Man including Decommodification, meaning no commercial use of visual materials and names of Amber Burn & Burning Man is allowed.


All publicity of the Amber Burn should be coordinated with the LBB and executed with a written agreement from LBB.


All that being said, you have a right to express yourself and create art as a photographer, videographer, and/or audio artist. Therefore we ask you to mind the following requirements for usage of all and any audio-visual materials taken in the Amber Burn event.


The Consent Rule:


Please ask people in your frame if they consent to be taken on your photo or video. 


Please mind that people have a right to change their minds at any time after the consent was given.


Before publishing visuals on your personal social media sites or elsewhere for your personal use, please be super cautious and use your common sense with visuals that are bizarre and may compromise the persons in your frame if shown to the public. In such case, if you want to use the visuals, please make sure that the consent is still valid outside of Amber Burn.


Personal Use:


After the Consent is provided, Amber Burn participants are welcome to use photos, videos, and audio recordings obtained at the event for their personal use, which includes:

  • Sharing with your friends and personal social media networks.
  • Displaying on personal websites—as long as the websites do not sell any products or services, do not pretend or appear to be an official Burning Man or Amber Burn website, and the Good Practice of respecting author’s rights is followed.
  • Sharing and posting is permitted when you have the consents and as long as the posts aren’t commercial in any manner and the accounts aren’t used for purposeful promotion. You may not directly monetize any media through paywalls or advertisements.


Non-personal use includes (and is prohibited without EYE PASS permission and LBB written contract):

  • Publishing photos in a printed or online book, magazine, or newspaper.
  • Using footage in a professional quality video.
  • Displaying images on a non-personal website or in a gallery show.
  • Using imagery in a documentary or TV show.
  • Distributing media to any third-party group or publication. This includes offering photos for publication, or making any commercial or promotional use of event media.
  • Otherwise using it for financial gain, OR being widely distributed beyond your personal network of friends and family.


EYE PASS permission:


If you wish to use visuals for Non-personal purposes, you are required to :


  • Sign written contract with LBB establishing Non-personal usage terms and conditions.
  • Coordinate the intended Non-personal usage of the visuals with LBB
  • Mind that under the EYE PASS contract all visuals done by you are co-owned by LBB
  • Wear EYE PASS permission sign during the event and follow the Consent Rule.
  • Sign the EYE PASS contract when the permission is granted
  • Apply for EYE PASS permission prior to an Amber Burn event

    In case you have NO EYE PASS permission and/or take photos, videos on your personal mobile phone or camera, the same rules apply: 

    • Consent of people is required (as per Consent Rule above)
    • Non-personal use is prohibited, unless coordinated with LBB as per legally binding contract in advance.
    • Intellectual property requirements are met.


    Intellectual property requirements:


    The Amber Burn symbol, name and designs are protected by trademark and/or copyright laws. In keeping with the principle of Decommodification, these trademarks and copyrights may not be used for any commercial or third-party purposes without LBB’s written consent.


    The same goes with the Burning Man symbol, the phrases “Burning Man” and “Black Rock City,” the design of the Burning Man (aka “the Man”). These are protected by trademark and/or copyright law and should not be used in association to Amber Burn for any commercial or third party purposes without the Burning Man Project’s written consent. 


    The artworks placed on the Amber Burn site are copyrighted creations. There are authors of the artwork who have their moral right to be indicated as the authors, as well as their copyright to control exploitation of their artwork (including images thereof), especially for commercial purposes.


    Every photo and video taken is a copyrighted work per se. There is always a photographer who made it and has the moral right to be known as the author of the visual material as well as the copyright to control its usage, especially for commercial purposes.


    Good Practice Examples:


    When uploading and (re)posting images - please indicate the author of a picture. This will save the photographer's moral right to be known as the author.


    When your photo or video shows an artwork - please indicate the name of the art project and the author (or team) who created it. 


    When you are Amber Burn community member and organize your own event of creativity, please do not use phrase “Amber Burn” in your promotional materials. 


    When you have taken a bunch of beautiful photos at Amber Burn and want to display’em in a gallery, paper or digital album  - consult LBB first. In doing so please follow this Media Policy’s recommendations and requirements, mind people's privacy, the Intellectual property and Decommodificate.