Family friendly

76th OTASA AGM - 29 September 2021

Wed Sep 29, 18:00 - Wed Sep 29, 20:00



You are invited to the 76th OTASA Annual General Meeting, which forms part of the OT Week celebrations for 2021 and incorporates the WFOT theme Belong. Be You!

Date: 29 September 2021

Meeting will be 18:00 - 19:00, followed by a CPD Presentation, "Mental Health in the Time of Long Covid", presented by Dr Alicia Porter (Psychiatrist)


Non-members: R150

At the meeting we will:

- Review our annual report and financial statement for 2020 - 2021

- Present outcomes of Member Voting for changes to the Constitution and Office Bearers

- Reflect on the year's challenges and successes 

- Gain insight into the new and exciting developments on the horizon for OTASA and the profession

PLEASE NOTE: Recording will not be available for long distance learning.