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Part 3: Business Optimization

Thu Aug 12, 09:00 - Thu Aug 12, 10:30

Event is online


How to Lead When You Don't Know What to Do or Say. 

Does it feel as if the world has gone a bit crazy? At the beginning of 2020 few had any idea about COVID-19, what it was and that a pandemic was about to overtake the world. However, it has swept across the globe leaving no corner untouched and a year-and-a-half later many countries are still observing some forms of lockdown. Add to this floods, fires, building collapses, unrests - the list goes on - and one can understand why planning and decision making seem such a risky business right now. The question we often hear is how are leaders supposed to lead when there is so much disruption and pandemonium?

If any of this resonates with you and you would like to increase your confidence in dealing with uncertainty, build a resilient business or team, or want to be proactive in dealing with crises in future, then join us for this three-series webinar. In each of the webinars we look at tools and practices in support of preparing for disruption including scenario planning, creating motivated teams and optimizing business.

The third session looks at Business Optimization and how your business could be tripping itself up inadvertently. From determining business activities, to compiling teams, financial management through cash collections. This webinar looks at the engine room of your operations and asks whether you are doing the right stuff right.

Time and Date: Thursday the 12th August from 9am - 10:30 am SAST.

Your Presenter: Renate Jute

About Renate:

Since 2001, Renate as the Director and Founder of Noble Prosperity, has helped business owners upskill and optimise their operations to keep up with the ever-evolving world of business. Through Noble Prosperity, Renate specialises in creating order from chaos by identifying potential hazards hidden inside your business’ structure and streamlining strategies and processes to negate them. Renate is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® and Tax Practitioner. Currently the Chair of the Tax Competency Committee for the FPi (Financial Planning Institute of South Africa), she is also a member of SAIT (South African Institute of Tax), FISA (Fiduciary Institute of Southern Africa), and the FPi (Financial Planning Institute of South Africa)

We look forward to you joining us.