Walter's Tuckshop Goal


I was the Branch Manager of a big retail shop until when I resigned. I resigned because I was under immense pressure at work and the bosses never appreciated all my efforts. Everytime they came down for "branch visits", all I heard was how much of a mess the shop was and how I am not performing followed by discriminatory words. That's when I realized I am standing and making someone else's dream become a reality and stressing myself for nothing. So I quit my job to start working on my dream to open a tuckshop and become my own business man, which would eventually turn into a big franchise business in my hometown Khorixas so I can bring development back to my hometown. I know many people think quitting while I don't have a plan was not so wise but I was moments away from suffering from a breakdown because of that job. They cut me off my last pay because I resigned within 24 hours so basically I will not get my last pay, and there was no pension fund deducted, so basically I am broke, walking out with nothing after giving my everything to that company, sleepless nights because I had to wake up at 3AM everytime the alarm went off to walk in the cold just to see if someone is breaking in, stressing because of work until I had a break down at work once, working unpaid overtime, bringing my work home, I left my family and my home and relocated to another town Mariental for this job, working for a R5000 salary...All those efforts in vain. I just really want to start my business. I want help from you my fellow Africans. Help me to realize my dream. I don't really need much money, just need something to buy stock and move back home and start my spaza shop. This donation would really help me a lot, anything between R5 or R10 or just a share. I will start small. I will buy a deep fryer chips machine costing R1600 and a second-hand microwave. The rest of the money i will use to buy stock such as potato bags, russians etc. I will sell the basics of a small spaza shop like kota, chips and russian, sugar, coldrink, teabags, cigarettes, etc. Eventually if my tuckshop grows i will add an internet cafe and then help kids of my neighborhood with homework and stuff. Once i will be successfully established and making enough I want to fulfill my ultimate life goal which is to help other people either with money or donations of food parcels. Thank you for reading.

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