Climate Change Now - presented by Lorraine Jenks

Tue Dec 8, 11:00 - Tue Dec 8, 12:00



Climate Change Now - The latest science, predictions, preventions and solutions. Fill the gaps you're concerned about.

The understanding and acceptance of the reality of climate change has markedly improved this year.

However, many people don't have a sound understanding of the science, the causes and the potential impacts that climate change is, and will have, on every aspect of their lives and careers.

Here you will find the gaps in the information you have and the motivational principles to use to win over your friends, community, colleagues and decision-makers.

There are complicated solutions for those with the wherewithal, better decisions we can all encourage politicians and industry to make, and simple acts of responsibility for the rest of us.

This is a summary of the most recent data from Al Gore and his team and a look at international trends and formal commitments made during 2020.

We will identify practical, realistic goals and actions we can take, both in our professional and private spheres of influence.

Online via Zoom | Tuesday 8th December | 11h00 to 12h00 | R175

We will email the Zoom ID link and password to you a few days before the event.

In the meantime, feel free to contact us via [email protected]